July 2019

My Spiritual Path

Part 2

Happy Summer Everyone!  I hope you are enjoying it.

After sharing my crystal journey with you in last month’s Missive, I want to get back to sharing my spiritual journey with you (although the two are undoubtedly intertwined!).  But before doing that, I want to say that the crystals and geodes I acquired while I was in Brazil last month will be on a boat soon, “cruising” their way to us.  They are set to arrive at the port in about six weeks, and we should have them on display at the gallery shortly after that.  As soon as everything is in place, we’ll send out an email, with some pictures, and entice you to come by and see and touch (and buy!) them.  I can’t wait!

...the crystals and geodes I acquired while I was in Brazil last month will be on a boat soon, “cruising” their way to us.

I know it has been a while, so to refresh your memory just in case, at the end of my May Missive I had been telling you about contacting an organization that appeared on a business card which an intuitive had given me at the end of a reading I had while I was in law school.  I had asked the intuitive where I could get more information about spiritual and metaphysical teachings and she had given me the card.  I had filed the card away, but a few years later, after failing the bar exam, I thought I could use some “extra help” to get over the hurdle of passing the bar and dug the card out.

That number on the card was to a spiritual organization.  This organization provided (and still provides) weekly teachings containing the knowledge and wisdom that has become the core of my being, my belief system, my values, and my view about creation and creating. It is these teachings that gave me first the foundation, and then the structural details of how to manifest everything I wanted, everything I dreamed of in my life.  It is these teachings (plus others I have been given over the years) that assisted me in, if not enabled me to create Mystic Journey Bookstore more than 10 years ago, and now Mystic Journey Crystals.  But let me add, I did not simply read the lessons I received and say to myself, “Hmmm, that’s interesting, maybe I should try what they are saying.”  No.  I read the lessons, faithfully and with dedication each week.  I undertook the practices outlined in the lessons with the utmost discipline, commitment and enthusiasm.  And finally, I began to integrate the lessons’ philosophy of life, and living, and how and why the Universe works, not only into my life, but into my being, into the cells of body, into the molecular, and then non-physical, metaphysical, structure of who I am.  As I said above, the teachings in these lessons became the core of me, they became part of me, they became me, and they remain so.

I read the lessons, faithfully and with dedication each week.  I undertook the practices outlined in the lessons with the utmost discipline, commitment and enthusiasm.

There are many books, many teachings, and many teachers that provide teachings and trainings on how to manifest what you want in your life.  I know, and believe, that many of them provide information, wisdom, that is good, and true, and very useful.  But in the end, simply reading these teachings is not enough.  Even putting into practice some of the teachings and practical aspects of the teachings is not enough.  What is truly needed, and this is what people struggle with most in their efforts to manifest, is that the teachings about, and philosophy behind the laws of manifestation must be built into one’s whole being, become part of the person’s whole being, in order for one’s manifestation abilities to be able to be used to their fullest and most efficient extent.  It takes dedication and practice and commitment to get to this place.  But when you get there, Life’s bountiful riches, Life’s magic become ever-present in your life.

It takes dedication and practice and commitment to get to this place.  But when you get there, Life’s bountiful riches, Life’s magic become ever-present in your life.

There are many other experiences I could relate that have further solidified, really built my faith, (and faith is the key to everything), in my spiritual beliefs and practices, but for now I will only relate one more.  It is a bit more mundane, but it was so key in my life, and so further strengthened my belief in what I am doing and in my view of life and manifesting, that I want to relate it here.  

After my follow-up cancer MRI’s had returned to “normal” and I had decided I to leave the law and open Mystic Journey Bookstore, I was putting together the financing for the store.  I needed an SBA loan as part of my “start-up” package.  But in order to get the SBA loan I had to show I bank account balance that would evidence a contribution to the venture as well.  The money I had to show was significant, in the six figures.  I did not have this amount saved up, but I had an equity line of credit that I was going to use for this purpose, although I hadn’t yet drawn on it as the bookstore  was still in its early, conceptual stages.

Then one day while I was driving, I heard on the radio, (really out of the corner of my ear), that IndyMac Bank, the holder of my equity line, was having problems.  This was the first time I had heard anything about this, but it struck me that I better act, that I better go and get money I needed to start the bookstore out of my line of credit, and do so right away.  And I mean right away.  I literally went home that moment, got an equity line of credit check, went to the bank, and withdrew all the money on the line of credit.  The very next day IndyMac Bank closed, boom, just like that.  If I hadn’t been listening to the radio at that exact moment, on that exact station, and if I had not listened to, and acted on my intuition and taken the money out of the line of credit on that day, there would have been no Mystic Journey Bookstore.  It would not have happened.

I literally went home that moment, got an equity line of credit check, went to the bank, and withdrew all the money on the line of credit.  The very next day IndyMac Bank closed, boom, just like that.

I look back upon this event as one of those moments that taught me there is “something” out there, “something” above me, that is watching out for me, and this adventure of Mystic Journey; for what are the chances that I’d just happen to hear that blip on the radio about IndyMac Bank, and be called to act in the moment.  “There are no accidents.”  This event also reinforced the teaching that I have an “inner voice,” that silent voice of intuition, that I should listen to, and follow for guidance.   As a triple Capricorn, a triple earth sign, I’m more than a bit “dense.”  But I’ve consciously worked to develop my intuition.  It’s just like a muscle, no different.  This event strengthened my faith in my intuition, and that my working on it was having an effect.  Again, and I’ll keep reiterating this, Faith is the Key.  It builds and strengthens and energizes everything.
Finally, tomorrow, Friday July 26th, we will be making a very special announcement about our crystals. I encourage you to keep an eye out for this email!

Until next month, may you be engulfed by, and live in abundance, joy and love in each and every moment.
